Title of the invention: Procuc System
The invention falls under: Business studies
Name of the inventor: Marco Shigele

Procuc System is the latest in Home trade and International trade. Poculization and Procuclization are the effective means of the System. The fundamental raison d’ĂȘtre of Procuc System is to capitalise the under-capitalised business and impress people in their multitudes to participate in production.Through this System, business persons will have access to money for their businesses without collateral. The System aims at enabling people who can not afford to obtain a loan from the bank or any financial institution to have access to money in order to boost business capital. It is also suitable for those who can afford to obtain business loans through banks or other financial institutions to raise their capital. The System is an inspiration to miserable and grumpy people. It is an inspiration in a sense that, there are people who are miserable, poverty-stricken and grumpy due to abject poverty and poverty trap. Therefore, through this System, the great majority of people will have access to business; hence, a promising and optimistic life will transpire. Procuc System can change person’s goals from unachievable ultimate goals set by that particular person as regards his/her affluence desire for life to a prodigious achievement. So, the System can be an auspicious measure to mitigate poverty. Procuc System is absolutely different from Upatu (microfinance arrangement of contributing money to group members in turns), Sole proprietorship (Sole trade), Partnership, Corporation, Society, Co-operative, Joint venture (Joint undertaking), Barter trade system and Joint-stock company. Of all the systems concerning business operation, it is the unique System. Street traders (Road side traders) and Itinerant traders (Peddlers, Hawkers, Market stall holders, Mobile shop traders), Mama Ntilie, illegitimate trade dealers, Middlemen (Brokers, Factors, Commission Agents, Del Credere Agents, Forwarding Agents, Auctioneers, Warehousers and Underwriters)  are not acknowledged as Procuc Operators in the System. The Wholesalers [General Wholesalers, Specialized Wholesalers, Regional Wholesalers, Nationwide Wholesalers, Truck Wholesalers (Wagon Jobbers) and Rack Jobbers] are acknowledged as Procuc Operators. Unit shops, Multiple shops (Chain stores), Departmental stores, Supermarkets, and Mail order business are suitable for the System. Kiosks, Canteens, Tied shops and Automatic vending machines are not entirely accepted to be incorporated in the System.
Procuc System objectives
·         To capitalise the under-capitalised business by exerting a business person to access money without collateral. 
·         To enable people with inadequate capital to establish business.
·         To enable employees who are very busy with their jobs to raise income.
·         To extricate people from extravagance.
·         To impress people in their multitudes to participate in production.
Possible implications of Procuc System to the community
  • It can enhance diligence and accountability in business.
·         It can be an auspicious measure to mitigate poverty.
The concept of Procuc System
The term Procuc is derived from three nouns, such as Proprietor, Customer and Client. The nouns are agents of the system. The term is formed from three first letters of the noun Proprietor two first letters of the noun Customer and one first letter of the noun Client. Therefore, Procuc System is defined as the technique used to operate in business by involving three agents viz. the Proprietor, Customer and Client.The study of Procuc System is called Procuciology while a person who studies Procuc System is known as Procuciologist. The Procuc System Initiator is known as Procusysiator
     Procuc System Agents (PSA)
There are three Agents of Procuc System, viz.
  • Proprietor
  • Customer
  • Client
In Procuc System, the Proprietor is a chief Operator of the Procuc and accredited to it. The term Procuc Operator can be used as a substitute for the term Proprietor. Procuc Operator is a person who runs Procuc. The term Procuc refers to the operating business in Procuc System or is any business or project that can generate high rate of returns on the invested capital. The Procuc Operator is the first Procuc System Agent.

A Customer is a person who adds financial capital to the Procuc Operator Financial Capital. It is possible for the Procuc Operator to have a multitude of Customers. The Customer is the second Procuc System Agent.
A Client is a person who purchases Procuc Commodities. Procuc Commodities are products or raw materials that can be bought and sold. There are two types of Clients, viz. Client one and Client two. The Client one buys commodities form the Pocu. He/she can later be the Proprietor. The Client two is a last consumer. He/she purchases Procuc commodities for his/her domestic consumption. This person cannot be a proprietor due to the fact that he/she is a last consumer. In Procuc System, the consumer goods are only bought by Client two.
Interaction refers to a kind of action that occurs as two or more objects have an effect up one another. The idea of a two-way effect is essential in the concept of interaction, as opposed to a one – way causal effect. A closely related term is interconnectivity, which deals with the interactions of interactions within systems. Procuc Interaction involves the interaction between Procuc Operator and Customer, Procuc Operator and Client one, Procuc Operator and Client two, Pocu and Client one, Pocu and Client two and Client one and Client two. There are six types of Procuc Interactions which are:
·         Pocuism
·         Poconism
·         Poctism
·         Clieontism
·         Pocuclieonism
·         Pocuclientwism
Pocuism is the Procuc Interaction between Procuc Operator and Customer. The Customer financially gains from the Procuc Operator. The Procuc Operator ensures the multiplication of Customer’s Financial Capital contributed to Procuc. Thus, the Procuc Operator financially gains from the profit resulted from Customer’s Financial Capital.
Poconism is the Procuc Interaction between Procuc Operator and Client one. The Client one gets major purchases from the Procuc Operator.
Poctism is the Procuc Interaction between Procuc Operator and Client two. The Client two gets major purchases from the Procuc Operator.
Clieontism is the Procuc Interaction between Client one and Client two. The Client two gets major purchases from Client one.
Pocuclieonism is the Procuc Interaction between the Pocu and Client one. To put it in a nutshell, the term Pocu is derived from Procuc Operator and Customer. The meaning of the term is that, Procuc Operator and Customer operating Procuc as a single entity. In Pocuclieonism, the Customer participates indirectly through his/her capital. The Procuc Operator interacts directly with Client one. The Client one gets major purchases from the Pocu.
Pocuclientwism is the Procuc Interaction between Pocu and Client two. The Client two gets major purchases from the Pocu.
Conditions of running Procuc
Procuc System is selective, it should be noted that, not every business qualifies to be Procuc.As a matter of fact, location of the business is the factor to be put into consideration. The point to remember is that, not any business location is suitable for Procuc. Also, there are criteria to be considered for a person to be a Procuc Operator. Therefore, Procuc is highly dependent on the nature of the business, Procuc environment, Procuc location and Procuc Operator. Currently, there are seventeen conditions of running Procuc as prescribed in the book of Procuc System. These conditions characterize eight basic items as follows:-
·         Qualities of a good Procuc Operator.
·         Qualities of a good Customer
·         Procuc environment.
·         Qualities of Procuc.
·         Payment procedures.
·         Proeperio.
·         Procedures to be taken so as to meet the qualities of being a Customer.
·         Breaching of Poculization Agreement.
Mathematical formulae
Newly discovered Mathematical formulae will play the following roles:
·         To calculate Customer’s Financial income per Day (CFD)
·         To determine Customer’s Financial capital Percentage per Day (% CFPD)
·         To determine  Exceeding Days in a week
·         To determine  Exceeding Days in Two Weeks
·         To determine  Exceeding Days in a Month(s)
·         To calculate Customer’s Financial Payment (CFP) at a given CFT
·         To calculate Customer’s Financial capital Withdrawn Amount (CFWA)
·         To determine Customer’s Financial gain Percentage Aid (% CFPA)
·         To calculate Customer’s Gross Financial income (CGF)
·         To find Customer’s Gross Financial Gain percentage (%CGFG)
·         To calculate Customer’s Financial capital Loss (CLF)
·         To calculate Customer’s Financial capital percentage Loss (%CFL)
·         To determine  Remained Approximated percentage figure (RA)
·         To calculate Customer’s Indemnity (CI)
·         To find Customer’s Indemnity percentage (%CI)
·         To calculate Customer’s Net Income(CNI)
·         To determine POCU percentage (% POCU)
·         To calculate Selling Price (SP)
·         To calculate Customer’s Financial Payment Figure (CFPF)
·         To calculate Customer’s Financial Payment Percentage (%CFPP)
·         To calculate Procuc Operator Turnover(POT)
·         To calculate Customer’s Second Regime Payments(CSRP)

How will Procuc System be conducted? (Just a concise summary-, you may consult the book for more information).
Procuc System will be conducted by Customers’ substantial contribution to Procuc as follows:
Procuc System is fantastic, fascinating and creditable. It exerts Procuc Operator to access money for his/her Procuc without Collateral. It is a substantive issue in a sense that it addresses the real life situation of people. In that sense, the Procuc Operator is required to receive 80 percent of his/her Capital as solid contribution to Procuc from Customers. For example, if the Procuc Operator has $5000 as his /her business Capital, he/she will require only $4000 as contribution from Customers. 
By using that percentage term, the Procuc Operator can be able to pay the Customers financial income at different given Commodity Flow Time (CFT). Roughly, running Procuc requires a profit of at least 30 – 40% of the cost price of each cost object within a month.
Procuc System will intrinsically motivate people in their multitudes to participate in production. The higher the Customer’s Gross Financial Gain, the higher the rate of Customers to engage with the System. Example, the Customer’s Gross Financial Gain (CGFG) is Tshs.237,400/= when the Customer contributes Tshs. 500,000/= to Procuc for a nine month – proeperio. Thus, the Customer’s Gross Financial income (CGF) becomes Tshs.737,400/= for a nine month- proeperio. The figure is obtained by using 0.52% as Customer’s Financial capital Percentage per Day (% CFPD) and 5% as Customer’s Financial income Percentage (%CFP).The CGF is very impressive to the extent that every one will admire to make contribution, hence people in their multitudes will participate in production. The %CFPD and %CFP can be altered, depending on the exact nature of the Procuc and Procuc environment. Mutability of %CFPD and %CFP shall not be conducted if Poculization Agreement is already signed. After the First Regime of Poculization or Procuclization, the Customer is allowed to sign a new Poculization Agreement for the Second Regime if he/she wishes to do so.
Before dealing with Customer’s Financial Security, let us have a superficial knowledge on the following items:
·         Clear concise mechanism of fixing on a person for being a Procuc Operator (you may consult the book for more information).
·         Procuc Operation Mechanism (POM)
·         Customer’s financial payments

Clear concise mechanism of fixing on a person for being a Procuc Operator
As stated earlier, Procuc is highly dependent on the nature of the business, Procuc environment, Procuc location and Procuc Operator. The Procuc Operator must have business license (for sole proprietors), certificate of incorporation (for companies), and certificate of registration for Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN), Statement of Estimated Tax Payable for the Year of Income and inspection booklet as credentials for his/her business. Also, it is obligatory for a Procuc Operator to seek for the legitimacy of running Procuc. The Procuc Operator is required to receive 80 percent of his/her equity capital as solid contribution to Procuc from Customers. By using that percentage term, the Procuc Operator can be able to pay the Customers financial income at different given Commodity Flow Time (CFT). Roughly, running Procuc requires a profit of at least 30 – 40% of the cost price of each cost object within a month. For instance, if the buying price of the cost object is Tshs. 1,000/=, the cost object will be sold at Tshs.1,300/= to Tshs. 1,400/=, or if it is bought at Tshs. 10,000/=, it will be sold at Tshs.13,000/= to Tshs. 14,000/=, or Tshs.300,000/= to Tshs.400,000/= are required as  monthly return in one million (Tshs.1,000,000/=). So the procuc needs monthly high rate of money circulation. In Procuc System, credit history and practical experience in dealing with business of the Procuc Operator should be well known.  Why do we need to be aware of credit history and practical experience in dealing with business of the Procuc Operator?  In order to avoid the situation that can bring the Procuc Operator to the verge of procuc collapse and extricate him from going insolvent. The equity capital of the Procuc Operator should not be on credit. In case a Procuc Operator has credits to either banks or other financial institutions, he/she will just be the legitimate proprietor despite the fact that, the actual equity capital will be calculated so as to enable him/her to  receive 80 percent of his/her equity capital as solid contribution to Procuc from Customers.
It should be put into consideration that, there are some factors that can cause short time existence of any business. These factors include extravagance, improper financial management, failing to secure an adequate bank loan at a critical time, establishing business on credit, accomplishing to repay the bank loan by credits from other financial sources and misdirecting the bank loan. In Procuc System, the Customer’s Financial Capital (CFC) should not be misdirected by a Procuc Operator in order to avoid falling into procuc failure. Therefore, credibility, sedulous attention to business, accountability and entrepreneurial trainings are some of the basic issues to be addressed in business thrive. These issues can help a proprietor to fulfil a hankering for a wealthy lifestyle.

Procuc Operation Mechanism (POM)
In Procuc System there are organised activities that can make the System successful. The objectives achievement of Procuc System requires several agents for diligent execution of the organised activities to ensure the existence of the System. These agents are known as Procuc Operation Mechanism Agents (POMA) viz. Procuc System Team (PST), Banks and the Government. The term Procuc Operation Mechanism is defined as the way how Procuc System Team (PST), Banks and the Government work together in order to make sure that, Procuc System objectives are met by acting according to the prescribed conditions of running Procuc, provided that each agent performs the duties conscientiously and accordingly without any interference. 
Roles of the Government, Banks and Procuc System Team (PST) 

·         To collect tax.
·         To fund the Procuc, especially when it reaches the level of constructing an Industry.
·         To authorize Procuc Operators to run Procuc.

·         To facilitate Poculization by linking together Customers and Procuc Operators.The list of names of Procuc Operators with their respective bank accounts will be available at the particular Bank.
·         To facilitate financial transactions between Customers and Procuc Operators.

Procuc System Team
·         To intensify public awareness of Procuc System
·         To monitor the progress of Procucs

Customer’s financial payments
Customer’s financial payments are categorised into two parts, namely:
·         Customer’s normal financial payments
·         Customer’s financial payments due to tiocalization

Customer’s normal financial payments
As stated earlier, the Customer’s Gross Financial Gain (CGFG) is Tshs.237,400/= when the Customer contributes Tshs. 500,000/= to Procuc for a nine month – proeperio. Thus, the Customer’s Gross Financial income (CGF) becomes Tshs.737,400/= for a nine month- proeperio. The figure is obtained by using 0.52% as Customer’s Financial capital Percentage per Day (% CFPD) and 5% as Customer’s Financial income Percentage (%CFP). It is not a must for a Customer to be paid the required amount by basing on nine month-proeperio only, but also it can be done at different Commodity Flow Time in accordance with the Poculization Agreement. 
The table below shows the way how Customer’s normal financial payments will be conducted at different Commodity Flow Time

in Tshs.
1 Month
2 months
4 Months
Payments for 270 days is Tshs. 702,000/= and Tshs.737,400/= for 274days.

Customer’s financial payments due to tiocalization
Customer’s financial payments due to tiocalization are categorised into three parts, namely:
·         Customer’s financial payments due to tiocalization caused by a Procuc Operator
·         Customer’s financial payments due to tiocalization caused by a Customer
·         Customer’s financial payments due to tiocalization caused by Procuc System Team

Customer’s financial payments due to tiocalization caused by a Procuc Operator
Customer’s financial payments due to tiocalization caused by a Procuc Operator depend on tiocalization percentage. The Customer has to choose the suitable tiocalization percentage when signing Poculization Agreement. Check the table below:

The Procuc Operator Tiocalization Table for CGF drawn from CFC=Tshs. 500,000/=,  %CFPD = 0.52%, TND = 274 days and %CFP = 5%
Tiocalization Number (TN)
Tiocalization Percentage(TP)
in %
Incremental Percentage( )
in %
(i.e log10( ))
in %
in Tshs.
Where P stands for Customer’s payment due to tiocalization caused by a Procuc Operator and b stands for tiocalization exponent.

Customer’s financial payments due to tiocalization caused by a Customer
Customer’s financial payments due to tiocalization caused by a Customer will be conducted as indicated in the table below:
The table for CGF and I drawn from CFC=Tshs. 500,000/=, %CFPD = 0.52% and %CFP = 5% at various TNDs.
CGF in Tshs.
CFL in Tshs.
CI in Tshs.
in Tshs.


Customer’s Financial Security
As the matter fact, 80 percent received by the Procuc Operator of his/her equity capital as solid contribution to Procuc from Customers, can just be possibly repaid back plus its interest (Customer’s Gross Financial Gain). For instance, if the Procuc Operator has Tshs.500,000,000/= as his /her business Capital, he/she will require only Tshs.400,000,000/= as contribution from Customers. The total Procuc Operator Financial Capital will be Tshs.900,000,000/=.The Customers’ Gross Financial Gain (CGFG) will be Tshs.189,920,000/= when the Customers contribute Tshs.400,000,000/=to Procuc for a nine month – proeperio. The figure is obtained by using 0.52% as Customer’s Financial capital Percentage per Day (% CFPD) and 5% as Customer’s Financial income Percentage (%CFP). Tshs.189,920,000/= is the same as 47.48% of Tshs.400,000,000/= or it is the same as 37.984% of Tshs.500,000,000/=.Assume that, the Procuc Operator does business without any financial return for him, but he/she collects money only for paying Customers, for sure he/she will be able to repay back the amount deposited by Customers plus their Gross Financial Gain. For instance, Tshs.474,800/= are required as  nine month-proeperio return in one million (Tshs.1,000,000/=) or Tshs.53,000/= are required as  monthly return in one million to repay back the whole amount required by the Customers. Let us ask ourselves, is it not possible for the Procuc Operator to have access to Tshs.474,800/= in one million (Tshs.1,000,000/=) per proeperio or Tshs.53,000/= per month when effectively conducting business? Answer, it is possible.
Since one of the responsibilities of Procuc System Team is to monitor the progress of Procucs, if it seems that, there is a sign of the business to start bringing low rate of return on capital; tiocalization due to Procuc System Team will take place at that particular time so as to rescue the Procuc Operator from being insolvent. It will also help to prevent Customer’s Financial capital Loss. Tiocalization due to Procuc System Team will be done in close collaboration with the Government and the responsible bank. Interference of poculization agreement by Procuc System Team, will not free the Procuc Operator from debts. The Procuc Operator will be required to repay back the Customer’s Financial Capital plus a certain interest. Also, it is unavoidable for the Customer to pay the Mutable Amount. The Mutable Amount will be paid by the Customer accordingly. Therefore, under the prescribed environment of Customer’s Financial Security above, it shows that the money of the Customer will be absolutely secured. 
Customer’s entry fee and Mutable amount
A Customer will be required to pay entry fee at Prosperio day and Mutable Amount at Proeperio day. The entry fee will enable all services at the bank concerning Procuc System to be implemented and the Mutable Amount will facilitate the roles of Procuc System Team to be played diligently.

The Government will collect the tax from Procuc Operators. She will also collect tax from Customers, especially when they will be able to conduct business due to capital resulted from poculization. The banks will have many customers with ability of obtaining a loan by using collateral.

Procuc System has various terminologies which were formulated from English Language.
Pronunciations of the newly formulated terminologies are found in the book.

The invention of the System led to the writing of the book, titled “Procuc System”. It comprises of four Topics viz.
·         Introduction to Procuc System
·          Procuc Operation and Business units
·          Poculization and Procuclization
·          Let us invest in Tanzania.
Agriculture, Livestock, Natural Resources, Mining Sector, Manufacturing Sector, Banking and Insurance, Health and Education, Economic Infrastructure and Tourism Sector are investment opportunities existing in Tanzania. These investment opportunities are incorporated in the Topic of Let us invest in Tanzania. Procuc operation is highly dependent on Electronic Fiscal Devices (EFDs) for efficient control in areas of sales analysis and stock control system. Various types of Electronic Fiscal Devices such as Electronic Tax Register (ETR), Electronic Fiscal Printer (EFP) and Electronic Signature Device (ESD) are precisely explained in the book. In addition to various types of Electronic Fiscal Devices, the book encompasses details about advantages of Electronic Fiscal Devices, Features of EFD, Fiscalization, The user of Electronic Fiscal Device (EFD), Rights and obligations of an EFD user, Manufacturers of EFDs, Suppliers/Distributors of EFDs in Tanzania, Rights and obligations of the suppliers, Contents of fiscal receipts generated by EFDs, Contents of Electronic Fiscal invoices generated by fiscal devices, “Z” report, contents of “Z” Report, Cost Offset, treatment of cost offset, practice in case of Electronic Fiscal Device fails to operate and measures to be taken during and after EFD failure. Details about financial transaction, commercial transaction, business units and monetary units of various countries in the World are included.  
In short, get the original copy of the book of “Procuc System” in order to learn the following items clearly:
·         The concept of Procuc System
·         Procuc System Agents
·         Procuc Interactions
·         Triple Mechanism Model (TMM)
·         The fundamental raison d’ĂȘtre of Procuc System
·         Key factors that the bank uses to analyse a potential borrower
·         How will Procuc System be conducted?
·         Conditions of running Procuc
·         Importance of Procuc System
·         Procuc Operators
·         Non-procuc Operators
·         Application of Electronic Fiscal Devices (EFDs in Procuc operation
·         Financial transaction
·         Commercial transaction
·         Business units (Sole proprietorship, Partnership, Joint stock companies (Public limited company and Private limited company), Cooperatives, Public corporation, Local authorities and Parastatal bodies)
·         Similarities and differences between Procuc System and other business units
·         The concept of poculization and procuclization
·         The concept of proeperio, prosperio and tiocalization
·         Exponential Principle of Poculization
·         Newly discovered Mathematical formulae
·         Monetary units
·         Investment, investment climate, reasons for investing in Tanzania and investment opportunities existing in Tanzania


Acronyms and abbreviations
%CFL - Customer’s Financial capital percentage Loss
%CFP - Customer’s Financial income Percentage
%CFPA - Customer’s Financial gain Percentage Aid
%CFPD - Customer’s Financial capital Percentage per Day
%CFPP - Customer’s Financial Payment Percentage at a given Commodity Flow Time
%CGFG -   Customer’s Gross Financial Gain percentage
%CI - Customer’s Indemnity percentage
%FCFP - First Customer’s Financial Payment percentage at a given CFT
%POCU -  POCU percentage
%POFPA - Procuc Operator Financial gain Percentage Aid
%SCFP - Second Customer’s Financial Payment percentage at a given CFT
A%CFLD - Approximated Customer’s Financial capital percentage Loss per Day
A-1 – Acronym 1
A-2 – Acronym 2
AEZ - Agro – Ecological Zones
Apf - Approximated percentage figure
ATC - Air Tanzania Corporation
BMTL - Business Machine Tanzania Limited
BP – Buying Price
BRELA - Business Registrations and Licensing Agency
CARMATEC - Centre for Agricultural Mechanisation and Rural Technology
CCu – Computable Cuncialtag
CCuCFTa - Computable Cuncialtag Commodity Flow Table
CFC – Customer’s Financial Capital
CFD - Customer’s Financial income per Day
CFF – Commodity Flow Figure
CFFT - Commodity Flow Figure Table
CFG - Customer’s Financial Gain
CFN (n) – Commodity Flow Number
CFP - Customer’s Financial Payment at a given CFT
CFP’ - Customer’s Financial Payment for
CFP’ FSP - Customer’s Financial Payment for First Sub-Regime
CFP’ SR - Customer’s Financial Payment for Second Regime
CFP’ SSR - Customer’s Financial Payment for Second Sub- Regime
CFP’ TSR - Customer’s Financial Payment for Third Sub – Regime
CFPF - Customer’s Financial Payment Figure at a given CFT
CFPFM - Customer’s Financial Payment per Four Months
CFPM - Customer’s Financial Payment per Month
CFPP - Customer’s Financial Payment per Proeperio
CFPTM - Customer’s Financial Payment per Two Months
CFPTW - Customer’s Financial Payment per Two Weeks
CFPW – Customer’s Financial Payment per Week
CFT – Commodity Flow Time
CFTa - Commodity Flow Tables
CFWA - Customer’s Financial capital Withdrawn Amount
CGF - Customer’s Gross Financial income
CGFG - Customer’s Gross Financial Gain
ChCFTa - Cocuncialhalf Commodity Flow Table
CI - Customer’s Indemnity
CLF - Customer’s Financial capital Loss
CNI - Customer’s Net Income
CSRP - Customer’s Second Regime Payments
CT - COTISE Tables 
CuCFTa - Cuncialtag Commodity Flow Table
ECR - Electronic Cash Register
ED (y) – Exceeding Days
EFCR - Electronic Fiscal Cash Register
EFD -Electronic Fiscal Device
EFDR - Electronic Fiscal Device Reading
EFDs - Electronic Fiscal Devices
EFP - Electronic Fiscal Printer
ESD - Electronic Signature Device
ETR - Electronic Tax Register
FCFP - First Customer’s Financial Payment at a given CFT
FCFPF – First Customer’s Financial Payment Figure at a given CFT
FCu – First Cuncialtag
FP – First Probu
FPM – First Profit Made
FR - Fourth Regime
FSP – First Selling Price
HCu - Highest Cuncialtag
HTND - Highest TND
ITND - Incomplete Total Number of Days at a given Commodity Flow Time
JSC - Joint-Stock Company
MA - Mutable Amount
MP - Mutable Percentage
NARCO - National Ranching Company
NDC - National Development Corporation
NDFM - Number of Days per Four Months
NDM - Number of Days per Month
NDP - Number of Days per Proeperio
NDTM - Number of Days per Two Months
NDTW - Number of Days per Two Weeks
NDW – Number of Days per Week
NTP - Net Tax Payable
PC - Personal Computer
PCFTa - Probu Commodity Flow Table
PCSS – Procuc Commodity Selling Speed
PFC - Procuc Financial Capital
PFG – POCU Financial Gain
PGF – POCU Gross Financial income
PGFG – POCU Gross Financial Gain
PGM - Platinum Group Minerals
PGT- Pocu General Table
PhCFTa - Pogronancialhalf Commodity Flow Table
PM - Profit Made 
Po – Pocufigaper
POANI - Procuc Operator Actual Net Income
POAT - Procuc Operator Actual Turnover
PoCFTa - Pocufigaper Commodity Flow Table
POFC - Procuc Operator Financial Capital 
POFC – Procuc Operator Financial Capital
POFD - Procuc Operator Financial income per Day due to Procuc Operator Financial Capital
POFG – Procuc Operator Financial Gain
POGFG - Procuc Operator Gross Financial Gain
POGFG;CFC - Procuc Operator Gross Financial Gain due to Customer’s Financial Capital
POGFG;POFC;c - Procuc Operator Gross Financial Gain Obtained as a Customer due to Procuc Operator Financial Capital
POGFG;POFC;p - Procuc Operator Gross Financial Gain due to Procuc Operator Financial Capital as Profit
POGTGFG - Procuc Operator Grand Total Gross Financial Gain
POM - Procuc Operation Mechanism
POMA - Procuc Operation Mechanism Agents
PONI - Procuc Operator Net Income
PORNI - Procuc Operator Rough Net Income
PORT - Procuc Operator Rough Turnover
POT - Procuc Operator Turnover
POTGFG - Procuc Operator Total Gross Financial Gain
Pr – Proficug
Pr CFTa - Proficug Commodity Flow Table
PSA - Procuc System Agents
PST - Procuc System Team
PSTN - Public Switched Telephone Network
PT - Pocu Tables
RA - Remained Approximated percentage figure
ROM - Read only memory
SCFP - Second Customer’s Financial Payment at a given CFT
SCFPF - Second Customer’s Financial Payment Figure at a given CFT
SCu – Second Cuncialtag
SIDO - Small Industries Development Organisation
SP – Selling Price
SP. – Second Probu
SPM – Second Profit Made
SPT - Selling Price Table
SR – Second Regime
SSP – Second Selling Price
TANROADS - Tanzania Roads Agency
TAZARA - Tanzania - Zambia Railway Authority
TBS - Tanzania Bureau of Standards
TIN - Taxpayer Identification Number
TIRDO - Tanzania Industrial Research and Development Organisation
TMM-Triple Mechanism Model
TND – Total Number of Days
TPA - Tanzania Ports Authority
TR – Third Regime
TRA – Tanzania Railway Authority
TRA – Tanzania Revenue Authority
TT - Time Table
TTCL - Tanzania Telecommunications Company Limited
URRP - Urgent Roads Rehabilitation Programme
VAT – Value Added Tax
VRN – VAT Registration Number
ZTL - Zanzibar Telecommunications Company Limited


Approximated Customer’s Financial capital percentage Loss per Day (A%CFLD) is the Customer’s Financial capital percentage Loss per Day approximated to four decimal places.
Approximated percentage figure is the product of Approximated Customer’s Financial capital percentage Loss per Day (A%CFLD) and Total Number of Days (TND).
Business unit is defined as a person or group of people joined together with the view of production or any legal business.
Client is a person who purchases Procuc Commodities.
Clieontism is the Procuc Interaction between Client one and Client two.
Cocuncialhalf Commodity Flow Table (ChCFTa) is the table of values which gives the relationship between Commodity Flow Figures (CFF-axis) with Cocuncialhalves (Ch-axis) in the Ch-CFF plane when graphically determining POCU percentage. Cocuncialhalf is the difference between computable concialtags and a half. Cocuncialhalves are all values found in Cocuncialhalf column.
Commercial transaction is transfer of goods or services from one part to another for a payment consideration.
Commodity Flow Figures are the calculated figures which are used in determination of Pocu Financial Gain and selling price (SP) of the cost object at a given Commodity Flow Time.
Commodity Flow Tables are tables of values constructed for graphical determination of POCU percentage, Customer’s Gross Financial Gain percentage and Buying Price of the cost object at different Commodity Flow Times.
Commodity Flow Time (CFT) is the duration of the continuous supply of Procuc Commodities to Clients.
Computable Cuncialtag Commodity Flow Table (CCuFTa) is the table of values which gives the relationship between Commodity Flow Figures (CFF – axis) with Computable Cuncialtags (CCu – axis) in the CCu – CFF plane when graphically determining POCU percentage.
Computable Cuncialtag is the Highest Cuncialtag divided by 2n, where n stands for Commodity Flow Number and the values of n are 0, 1,2,3,4, and 5. Computable Cuncialtags are all values found in Computable Cuncialtag column.
Cooperatives: This type of business unit comprises an association of individuals whose purpose is to perform some business function for all its members.
Cucalofi is the ratio of Customer’s Financial capital Loss to Customer’s Financial Capital.
Cuficahitioperdnum is the product of the highest Tiocalization Percentage decimal numbers and Customer’s Financial Capital.
Cuficatioper is the sum of Customer’s Financial Capital and the product of Tiocalization Percentage and Customer’s Financial Capital.
Cufigroca is the ratio of Customer’s Gross Financial Gain to Customer’s Financial Capital.
Cufiprocawia is the sum of Customer’s Financial Payment per Proeperio (CFPP) and Customer’s Financial capital Withdrawn Amount.
Cuinde is the ratio of Customer’s Indemnity to Indecugroficome.
Cuncialtag Commodity Flow Table (CuCFTa) is the table of values which gives the relationship between Commodity Flow Figures (CFC-axis) with Cuncialtags (Cu-axis) in the Cu- CFF plane when graphically determining Customer’s Gross Financial Gain percentage.
Cuncialtag is the ratio of the sum of Customer’s Financial Gain and a half of Customer’s Financial Capital to Customer’s Financial Capital. Cuncialtags are all values found in Cuncialtag column.
Customer is a person who adds financial capital to the Procuc Operator Financial Capital.
Customer’s Finacial Payment Figure is the ratio of Customer’s Financial Payment at a given Commodity Flow Time to Selling Price of the cost object.
Customer’s Financial Capital is the money contributed to Procuc by the Customer for the intention of purchasing Procuc Commodities in order to meet Clients exigency and maximize financial profits of the Pocu.
Customer’s Financial capital percentage Loss is the product of the ratio of Customer’s Financial capital Loss to Customer’s Financial Capital and 100.It is the product of Cucalofi and 100.
Customer’s Financial capital Percentage per Day is the percentage which is used to determine how much the Customer can be paid per day in accordance with his / her financial capital contributed to Procuc.
Customer’s Financial capital Withdrawn Amount (CFWA) is the product of Customer’s Financial income Percentage (%CFP) and Customer’s Financial Capital (CFC)
Customer’s Financial gain Percentage Aid is the product of the ratio of Remained Cufiprocawia to Customer’s Financial Capital and 100. It is the percentage which is used in calculating the Customers Gross Financial Gain. Under this perspective, the sum of the product of %CFPA and CFC and the product of CFD and Exceeding Days in a proeperio gives the Customer’s Gross Financial Gain. Customer’s Gross Financial Gain can also be defined as the difference between Customer’s Gross Financial income and Customer’s Financial Capital. The product of Customer’s Gross Financial Gain percentage and Customer’s Financial Capital do result into Customer’s Gross Financial Gain.
Customer’s Financial income per Day is the money earned by the Customer in a day as the result of his / her financial capital contributed to Procuc.
Customer’s Financial Payment (CFP) at a given CFT is the sum of money paid or expected to be paid to the Customer at a given Commodity Flow Time.
Customer’s Financial Payment Percentage (%CFPP) at a given Commodity Flow Time is the product of Customer’s Financial Payment Figure and 100.
Customer’s Gross Financial Gain is the total amount exclusive of any expenses received by the Customer at proeperio date that exceeds the Customer’s Financial Capital.
Customer’s Gross Financial Gain percentage is the product of the ratio of Customer’s Gross Financial Gain to Customer’s Financial Capital and 100. It is the product of Cufigroca and 100.
Customer’s Gross Financial income is the total amount of money earned by the customer per proeperio from investing money in Prouc. It can also be defined as the sum of Customer’s Financial Capital and Customer’s Gross Financial Gain.
Customer’s Indemnity is a sum of money that is given as payment for loss by the Procuc Operator to the Customer who withdraws his/her financial capital earliest from Procuc.
Customer’s Indemnity percentage is the percentage which determines a sum of money that is given as payment for loss by the Procuc Operator to the Customer who withdraws his/her financial capital earliest from Procuc. It is the product of the ratio of Customer’s Indemnity to sum of Customer’s Indemnity and Customer’s Gross Financial income at a given Commodity Flow Time and 100.
Customer’s Net Income is the difference between Customer’s Gross Financial income and Mutable Amount (MA).
Customer’s Second Regime Payments (CSRP) are sum of money paid or expected to be paid to the Customer during the Second Regime. CSRP is mathematically defined as the sum of Customer’s Gross Financial income (CGF) and RF formula. The Second Regime follows the nine- month Proeperio.
Customer's Financial capital Loss is the difference between Customer’s Financial capital and Customer’s Gross Financial income at a given Commodity Flow Time.
Electronic Fiscal Device (EFD) is a machine designed for use in business for efficient control in areas of sales analysis and stock control system.
Financial capital refers to money used by entrepreneurs and business to buy what they need to make their products or provide their services or to that sector of the economy based on its operation, i.e. retail, corporate, investment banking etc. Financial capital or just capital in finance and accounting, refers to the funds provided by lender (and investors) to business to purchase real capital equipment for producing goods / services.
Financial transaction is an event or condition under the contract between a buyer and a seller to exchange an asset for payment.
Income is the money that a person, a region, a country, etc. earns from work, from investing money, from business, etc.
Indecugroficome is a sum of Customer’s Indemnity and Customer’s Gross Financial income at a given Commodity Flow Time.
Indemnity is a sum of money that is given as payment for damage or loss.
Joint-Stock Company (JSC) is a corporate association of persons formed to carry out certain specific function.
Monetary unit is the standard unit of value of a currency, as the dollar in the United States or the peso in Mexico.
Mutable Amount is the product of Customer’s Gross Financial income and Mutable Percentage (MP)
Partnership is the relationship between persons carrying on a business in common with a view of making profit.
Percentage is a way of expressing a number as a fraction of 100.
Poconism is the Procuc Interaction between Procuc Operator and Client one.
Poctism is the Procuc Interaction between Procuc Operator and Client two.
POCU Financial Gain is the amount of monetary gain that the Procuc Operator and the Customer get. It is the amount that exceeds Customer’s Financial Capital.
POCU percentage is the percentage which determines the Pocu Financial Gain and objects selling price.
Pocuclientwism is the Procuc Interaction between Pocu and Client two.
Pocuclieonism is the Procuc Interaction between the Pocu and Client one.
Pocufigaper Commodity Flow Table (PoCFTa) is the table of values which gives the relationship between Commodity Flow Figures (CFF – axis) with Pocufigapers (Po – axis) in the Po – CFF plane when graphically determining Buying Price of the cost object.
Pocufigaper is the Pocu Financial Gain divided by POCU percentage. Pocufigapers are all values found in Pocufigaper column.
Pocuism is the Procuc Interaction between Procuc Operator and Customer.
Poculization is the act of the Procuc Operator and Customer to operate Procuc as a single entity.
Pogronancialhaf is the difference between the ratio of Pogronancialgain to Customer’s Financial Capital and a half. Pogronancialhaves are all values found in pogronancialhaf column.
Pogronancialhalf Commodity Flow Table (PhCFTa) is the table of values which gives the relationship between Commodity Flow Figures (CFF-axis) with pogronancialhaves (Ph-axis) in the Ph-CFF plane when graphically determining POCU Percentage.
Probu Commodity Flow Table (PCFTa) is the table of values which gives the relationship between Commodity Flow Figures (CFF – axis) with Probus (P – axis) in the P – CFF plane when graphically determining POCU percentage.
Probu is the ratio of Profit Made to Buying Price of the cost object. Probus are all values found in Probu column.
Procuc Financial Capital (PFC) is the amount of money invested by the Procuc Operator and the Customer to Procuc.
Procuc Operation Mechanism is the way how Procuc System Team (PST), Banks and the Government work together in order to make sure that, Procuc System objectives are met by acting according to the prescribed conditions of running Procuc, provided that each agent performs the duties conscientiously and accordingly without any interference.
Procuc Operator (Proprietor) is a person who runs Procuc.
Procuc Operator Actual Net Income is the difference between Procuc Operator Actual Turnover and Net Tax payable, where, Net Tax payable is the calculated Income Tax by Revenue Authority due to Estimates of Annual Income or Turnover for the Year of Income.
Procuc Operator Actual Turnover is the difference between Electronic Fiscal Device Reading (EFDR) and Customer’s Gross Financial income (CGF).
Procuc Operator Grand Total Gross Financial Gain (POGTGFG) is the sum of the Procuc Operator Total Gross Financial Gain (POTGFG) and Procuc Operator Gross Financial Gain due to Customer’s Financial Capital (POGFG;CFC).
Procuc Operator Rough Net Income is the difference between Procuc Operator Rough Turnover and Net Tax Payable (NTP), where, Net Tax Payable is the calculated Income Tax by Revenue Authority due to Estimates of Annual Income or Turnover for the Year of Income.
Procuc Operator Rough Turnover is the Topropegrafig.
Procuc Operator Total Gross Financial Gain is the sum of the Procuc Operator Gross Financial Gain due to Procuc Operator Financial Capital as Profit (POGFG;POFC;p) and Procuc Operator Gross Financial Gain Obtained as a Customer due to Procuc Operator Financial Capital (POGFG;POFC;c).
Procuc refers to the operating business in Procuc System.
Procuc System is the technique used to operate in business by involving three agents viz. the Proprietor, Customer and Client.
Procuciologist is a person who studies Procuc System.
Procuciology is the study of Procuc System.
Procucs (singular: Procuc) are businesses or projects that can generate high rate of returns on the invested capital.
Procuclization is the act of Procuc System Agents to operate Procuc.
Procusysiator refers to Procuc System Initiator. 
Proeperio is the entr’acte between the time of commencement of Procuc and the ending of Procuc. It is the period of time that a Procuc Operator runs Procuc.
Proficug Commodity Flow Table (Pr CFTa) is the table of values which gives the relationship between Commodity Flow Figures (CFF – axis) with Proficugs (Pr– axis) in the Pr- CFF plane when graphically determining POCU percentage.
Proficug is the ratio of the sum of Procuc Operator Financial Gain and Customer’s Financial Gain to Customer’s Financial Capital. Proficugs are all values found in Proficug column.
Prosperio is the time of initiation of Proculization or Poculization. It is when a Procuc Operator initiates Procuc.
Public corporation is the Joint Stock Company in which the Government holds either the entire share or a majority of it.
Regimefractio-one are Regime Fractions including One that differ by a quarter from the First Sub – Regime Fraction which is ¼.
Remained Approximated percentage figure is the difference between Approximated percentage figure (Apf) and Customer’s Financial capital percentage Loss (%CFL).
Remained Cufiprocawia is the difference between Cufiprocawia (cf) and Customer’s Financial Capital (CFC).
Selling Price is the price at which something is offered for sale. In Procuc System, Selling Price at a given Commodity Flow Time is the sum of the Pocu Financial Gain and Buying Price.
Sole proprietorship, also known as the sole trade or simply a proprietorship, is a type of business entity that is owned and run by one individual and in which there is no legal distinction between the owner and the business.
Stargaiprofit means starting gaining profit.
Tiocaliza is the time of canceling Poculization Agreement.
Tiocalization is the act of canceling Poculization Agreement.
Tonumo is the ratio of Total Number of Days (TND) at a given Commodity Flow Time (CFT) to Number of Days per Month (NDM).
Tonutwee is the ratio of Total Number of Days (TND) at a given Commodity Flow Time (CFT) to Number of Days per Two Weeks (NDTW).
Tonuwee is the ratio of Total Number of Days (TND ) at a  given Commodity Flow Time (CFT)   to Number  of Days per Week (NDW) .
Topropegrafig is defined as the sum of the Procuc Operator Financial Capital and the sum of the Procuc Operator Total Gross Financial Gain and Procuc Operator Gross Financial Gain due to Customer’s Financial Capital. It can also be defined as the sum of the Procuc Operator Financial Capital (POFC) and Procuc Operator Grand Total Gross Financial Gain (POGTGFG).
Z report is a summary of sales report generated by an EFD on daily, monthly or annual basis. The report(s) helps the business to account for revenue and also minimizes cash losses i.e. reconcile end of day cash counts and the balances contained therein. It also crosschecks the total of fiscal receipts/invoice issued with the actual totals of individual receipts issued.

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